WP6 Task 1 is currently reviewing network support requirements for the quantum key distribution/exchange (QKD/QKE) technology in order to consider its applicability as a service for use by the GÉANT community. This page provides regular updates about this work and lists information about upcoming events.
This second Infoshare will focus on the first use case of quantum communication: Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Key Distribution. In this first use case, the NREN community can play an important role by demonstrating how Quantum Key Distribution can be implemented in a production network context and a wide range of use cases. Our users (universities, science laboratories, ...) are already investigating these topics and there is an excellent opportunity for the NRENs to provide their support for these activities. Read more...
The “first quantum revolution” focused more on understanding and predicting physical processes at nano scale. By the end of the 20th century, it had already led to tangible applications (Laser, light-emitting diode [LED], hard disk, atomic clock, …). Now during the 21st century, the 2nd quantum revolution aims to engineer quantum systems. The work is organized mainly around four fundamental scientific pillars: communication, computing, simulation, sensing & metrology (see European Strategic Research Agenda). Read more...
This document presents an overview and principles of current quantum technologies: services, use cases (including Quantum Key Distribution), projects, initiatives and challenges. It also covers technology testing opportunities, initiatives and strategies for the GÉANT and NREN communities. (pdf)
The EuroQCI initiative was started in June 2019 with the objective to work together to link critical public communication assets all over the EU, in order to be able to transmit and store sensitive information securely, protect critical information infrastructure and boost Europe's strategic autonomy in this area. Read more...
Quantum Community News
QTEdu- Coordination and support action for Quantum Technology Education
The Quantum Flagship has now a new initiative - QTEdu
The pursuit of quantum technologies requires scientists and engineers that can offer all the competencies and skill sets a future quantum workforce will demand. The Quantum Flagship's QTEdu CSA (Quantum Technology Education Coordination and Support Action) offers just that: It is an effort to bring together professionals from quantum research and education as well as from the industry to launch networking meetings of the Quantum Technology Education Community.
The working groups of this initiative will focus on how to improve quantum education not only as part of initiatives in higher education, but already starting out for primary and secondary schools in an effort to prepare a quantum-ready workforce. Read more...
Current Standardisation Landscape and existing Gaps in the Area of Quantum Key Distribution
The European Horizon 2020 Project "OPENQKD" just published a paper based on a deliverable detailing the importance of developing industry standards and certification safeguards in support of quantum strategic goals. A user must be able to rely on quantum-based information security products to be without loopholes and adhere to correct implementation. The document also summarises standards developing organisations and their activities.
Another major focus of this work lies on identifying current gaps when it comes to fields where standards are under development or already exist. OpenQKD also offers a standardisation roadmap to highlight the urgency for standards developing activities. Read more...
Quantum Internet Research Group (QIRG)
Architectural Principles for a Quantum Internet draft-irtf-qirg-principles-06, February 2021
This new internet draft by the IETF Quantum Internet Research Group (QIRG) is an updated version from the document published in March 2020. Most notable are new sections on error management (section 4.4.3) describing the process of distillation (purification), quantum error correction and error management schemes.
New sections can also be found in Chapter 5 which focuses on the architecture of a quantum internet, the role classical communication must play and also describes an abstract model of the network, including network boundaries and physical constraints.
New details on goals and architectural principles for a quantum internet are listed in chapter 6. Read more...
ITU-T Focus Group on Quantum Information Technology for Networks (FG-QIT4N)
Quantum Information Technology (QIT) Webinar Series
There is a new ITUWebinar series focusing on various aspects of Quantum Information Technology (QIT). The first webinar covered "Cybersecurity in the Quantum era" (April 8) and was followed by episode 2 which was a "Joint Symposium on Quantum Transport Technology" (April 28). The next episode will run on May 26 and will focus on "QIT for Networks - Use cases". Registration for this webinar is still open (register here).
If you have missed the previous episodes you can still catch up on these interesting talks by following their recordings; all webinars will be made available through this landing page https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/webinars/Pages/qit.aspx.
There is already an agenda for the upcoming episode. Read more...
European Quantum Industry Consortium (QuIC)
The European Quantum Industry Consortium (QuIC) was created to bring together quantum technology stakeholders and European quantum industry to facilitate the development of a European Quantum Technology Ecosystem that will ensure Europe's global competitiveness in this area.
The consortium sees as its most important tasks the coordination between all groups in an effort not only to identify applications and use cases but also to recognize potential gaps as far as enabling technologies, components and supply chains, standards and work force are concerned.
A QuIC Concept Paper, a QuIC Executive Summary and QuIC Work Package Descriptions are already available. Read more...