The Task Force on Applied Media in Teaching and Learning builds on the mature relationship between NRENs and HEIs in Europe. It is established under the auspices of the TERENA Technical Programme to collect and share ideas, knowledge and experiences on how to support media applied to pedagogical (e-learning) as well as to research/scientific purposes.
Fro more information check out the TF-Media website.
TF-Media Open Educational Resource portal pilot
We've just had a very productive discussion about the practical steps of the TF-Media Open Educational Resource portal pilot.
Please find the recording at
I can say that we've kicked off the pilot with some initial agreements however, there are still many open questions and details that need to be clarified in the future. Stay tuned!
Here goes my quick notes:
25 June 2012 @ 14.00-15.45 CET. You can see the list of participants in the recording.
- The importance of open sharing of educational resources was acknowledged. Many national and global initiatives were mentioned such as ARIADNE, GLOBE, MAOR, etc...
- The layered model of repositories was explained by Eli (IUCC). We (TERENA) should focus on the step between the national layer and the pan-European layer. Global peers must then be considered.
- Andy (SWITCH) noted that we should equally focus on both; how to reach out to the national community and how to aggregate at the pan-European level.
- It was agreed that the TERENA repository must be a metadata/paradata repository only. The content/object must be kept at the original location. Only the metadata of fully open materials should be harvested, in principle. The main focus is on the aggregation of audio/video content repositories in the first step (e.g., no scientific papers, publications, etc.).
- The TERENA OER portal can have enhanced, rich media search functionality (deeper than Google search) and maybe a hosted video playback option (noted by Vicente). Jack (TAU) added that maybe a content upload feature would also be an option at the aggregate layer (home for homeless concept).
- Gytis (KUT) mentioned that Creative Common licensing should be included. It was agreed that licensing is important.
- It was agreed to set up some metadata aggregating points for testing purposes:
1) Vicente (UVigo) agreed to set up a test installation of DSpace and maybe PuMuKit on top.
2) Giannis (GRNET) agreed to set up a test installation of ARIADNE tools.
3) Eli (IUCC) agreed to set up a test installation of MAOR duplicate.
- In parallel with these, an open call for content providers (i.e. NRENs/Unis with recorded lectures) will be sent out. These repositories will be connected to the three test installation above.
- For the pilot, the 8LOM metadata fields can be used but a common agreement on the metadata schema is needed for the long run.
- Peter (TERENA) will follow up with IUCC, UVigo and GRNET on the test implementations and inform the mailing list about the progress.