, SWITCH Offices, Zurich, Switzerland.
Start 09:30.
Location - Ann/Thomas's office, 3rd floor.
Lunch c. 12:00, leaving the office for fresh air.
- Brook Schofield
- Ann Harding
- Lukas Hämmerle
- Thomas Baerecke
- Remote - Valter Nordh, Tomasz Wolniewicz
FaaS federation user area in Constitution changes, MRPS and Metadata/Attribute Profile.
- Wiki and documentation.
eduGAIN town hall agenda.Testing tools, where next? IdP testing report?Long term how to do this kind of integration into better
- Federation Maturity Reports.
Operations details.
eduGAIN map will be SVG not based on Google Map.
Higino to report to Tomasz on all integration work.
Tomasz to be the gatekeeper on integration of new eduGAIN technical tools.
Access to the DB to be provided to these tools in a controlled way via access key.
Higino to answer to Tomasz and deliver additional versions of the map - technical and user subsections
Create a site for that is the service portal for eduGAIN -
Owner Brook:
Platform location - Amsterdam
Backend remains at Torun
Principle of working - rapid prototyping between design and technical implementation.
Mimic look, feel and navigation of GÉANT site but with specialist focussed technical eduGAIN info.
Common info on initial site - map, participating federations, entity list, wiki, policy,profiles & constitution
Technical implementation - Tomasz, higino to report to Tomasz in this context.
Design - Brook
Content - Migrate & enhance
If a tool is in production as an official edugain supported tool in the portal, it migrates to the eduGAIN OT, Tomasz.
Tomasz does not have to wait for design plan to migrate these.
Migration - make code available.
Ops - dev teams run test versions, push to git when ready, then Tomasz pull.
- CoCo monitor - check if this can be migrated to Torun. Need code.
- Access Check - to be migrated.
- Map - to be migrated
- Attribute release check
Monitoring & BCP list...see Nicole's notes.
Separate project
FaaS - not to be integrated into service portal
Yes to be integrated into PR material on eduGAIN
GN4-2 idea
SA2 - Tomasz & Nicole
JRA3 - Brook & Maja
Dev to be involved in hotfix but Ops own the veto to change
Workflows matching tools need to be developed.
Keep jra and sa linked on service lists.
Action items
- Nicole Harris Send info on BCP for Townhall discussion
- Brook send eduGAIN Downhill agenda 09:00
- Brook and Tomasz test all mailing lists on
- Brook provide and maintain the list of applications permitted access to DB, inc. maps, CoCo monitor etc.
- Brook to make project plan for
- Nicole Harris - updating tools comparison with migration status, code availability.
- Brook Schofield Nicole Harris Design day 11/1/2015
- Brook Schofield Plan due end Dec.
- Brook Schofield Follow up with Karl to make sure technical site linked more clearly
- Brook Schofield Once portal in place, redirect