eduGAIN Steering Group Meeting
15 March 09:45 UTC: In your time zone
09:30 UTC | Arrival & "Can you hear me now?"
| |
09:45 UTC | Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement | Terry Smith, AAF, Chair |
09:50 UTC | Membership Updates and Joining
| Casper Dreef, Secretariat |
10:00 UTC | Team Updates
| Davide Vaghetti, IDEM, Service owner |
10:30 UTC | Working Groups update
| Secretariat |
11:00 UTC | Any other business | |
11:10 UTC | Future SG meetings, Summary and Actions | |
11:15 UTC | Meeting Close |
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Federations in Attendance (22)
- SWAMID, Sweden
- AAF, Australia
- SWITCHaai, Switzerland
- UK Federation, United Kingdom
- SIFULAN, Malaysia
- HAKA, Finland
- AAI@EduHr, Croatia
- HAKA, Finland
-, Czech Republic
- PIONEER.Id, Poland
- IDEM, Italy
- SURFconext, the Netherlands
- SAFIRE, South Africa
-, Slovakia
- RiçerkaNET Identity Federation, Malta
- GakuNin, Japan
- SIR, Spain
- AAI@eduHR, Croatia
- LEAF, Moldova
- CAFe, Brasil
- Canadian Access Federation, Canada
- INFED, India
Attendees (29)
- Björn Mattson, SWAMID
- Terry Smith, AAF
- Maarten Kremers, GN5-1 WP5 leader
- Pål Axelsson, SWAMID
- Nicole Harris, GÉANT
- Casper Dreef, GÉANT
- Mario Reale, GÉANT
- Thomas Lenggenhager, SWITCHaai
- Alex Stuart, UK Federation
- Muhammad Farhan Sjaugi, SIFULAN
- Lukas Hämmerle, SWITCHaai
- Jukka Kärkkäinen, HAKA
- Jan Oppolzer,
- Tomasz Wolniewicz, PIONEER.Id
- Maha Gorecka-Wolniewicz, PIONEER.Id
- Davide Vaghetti, IDEM
- Thijs Kinkhorst, SURFconext
- Donald Coetzee, SAFIRE
- Martin Stanislav,
- Daniel Muscat, RiçerkaNet Identity Federation
- Thomas Baerecke, eduGAIN Support team lead
- Guy Halse, SAFIRE
- Eusaku Sakane, GakuNin
- Jose Manuel Macias, SIR
- Dubravko Penezic, AAI@eduHR
- Valentin Pocotilenco, LEAF
- Jean Carlo Faustino, CAFe
- Chris Phillips, CAF
- Raja Visvanathan, INFED
Apologies (X)
- Wolfgang Pempe (DFN)
Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement
Minutes of the previous meeting
Terry Smith opened the meeting. This eSG meeting is colocated with APAN55 in Kathmandu.
All actions remain open. We are looking at a possible resigning and making future policy signing easier using eduSIGN.
The minutes were approved.
Membership Updates and Joining
New members:
Suspended Members:
- MATE, Argentina
- CAFMoz, Mozambique
New Candidates
- CAMREN, Cambodia
- Federasi, Indonesia
- SomaliREN Identity Federation (SIF), Somalia
LAIFE - update.
Update - Alex and Heather will chair that process. Hopefully this will take not very long.
Team Updates
Support team: expand the team and give the team more responsibilities. Better use the resources and expertise of the team members. The team could help implementing the proposed changes that came out the Futures WG.
Training: What would be the training needs? It would be great if the community could share their knowledge on Hub-and-Spoke technology. Another option would be to organise a series of workshops or webinars. Davide will ask the Training Team to come up with a concrete proposal and ask for help from Federation Operators.
- ACTION: Hub-and-Spoke training / webinars
F-ticks & Reporting: Ongoing work on implementing F-ticks to the Reporting tool. Also working on auditing process. It need to be defined on how and when we would run these audits.
Security team: The eSG has approved the CSIRT documentation. The eduGAIN CSIRT has been established. The CSIRT is working on practical matters, such as rota, periodic information sharing, etc.
OT: BAU. The new approach of updating the entity database in under development. Two features calls appeared in the ECCS GitLab.
eduGAIN Working Groups: Futures
Draft proposal for eduGAIN Governance change:
We have been working on some revised proposals. The paper was published end of last year. Started working on the recommendations.
First focus is governance changes. A discussion piece was drafted. This paper can be found above. Main points:
- establish a small Steering Committee
- establish an Assembly
If everyone is happy with the current proposal. New draft of the Constitution and a Steering Committee ToR. Formal vote by current SG. Also it might be a good idea to resign the Declaration with current members. This would also help with establishing a management contact database. A managed process is required.
Time frame, we hope to have produce these documents and implemented the changes before TNC.
Rules and responsibilities for members of the Steering Committee. People need to know what they sign up for. The ToR will define this. Also, an informal one-pager about 'what is expected from Steering Committee members' would be very valuable.
Comments can be sent to Futures mailing list:
Any other business
FedCM activities. Browser updates could affect SAML protocols, single sign-out, directory. There is a REFEDS group working on this.
APAN organised a session on FedCM. Pål will ask if the presentation could be shared with the Federation Operators. There will also be BoF at TNC23.
Future SG Meetings, Summary and Actions
Town Hall. Stockholm, 10-11 October. Colocated with REFEDS. Two full days.