GN5-2-WP6: Network Development

This work package is mainly oriented towards prototyping and piloting new network services. It undertakes evaluation of new and promising network technology in the areas of network infrastructures and network services innovation. In addition, it is responsible for Network Management and Monitoring services and their evolution (provision of operational services).

  • Enhancements to the existing and/or creation of new services/products/tools through the assessment, validation and implementation of relevant network technologies and services.
  • Building and maintaining consensus in the GÉANT community on a future direction for architectures for orchestrating and automating deployment of network services, and on the necessary monitoring and management platforms to support both the services and their underlying network infrastructure(s).
  • Promoting wider adoption of general service orchestration and automation principles within the NREN community through consensus building discussions, workshops and dissemination activities.
  • Enhancing GÉANT and NREN knowledge transfer through a variety of dissemination activities related to network technologies and services, and network monitoring and management and to build communities of interest around those services and technologies.

GÉANT WP6 logo


The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreements No. 101194278 (GN5-2) and No. 101100680 (GN5-1). The research also includes results from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 856726 (GN4-3).

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NETDEV Training Portal

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

Network Training

Select on-demand courses from several Network Training Tracks: Network AutomationQuantum Technology or Time and Frequency Networks. All classes are free and self-paced.

WP6 Incubator

Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash

NETDEV Incubator

Objective: Create a focus group (working group) and refine the project proposal from the project management perspective, to be executed as a part of an incubator project.

Research & Development

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Fibre Sensing

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Quantum Technology

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WP6 Archive

WP6 Archive

Search for previous work and tests in the WP6 Archive. Access information on network development from previous phases of the project.