The Party Management functional block manages the internal and external actors of interest, such as persons or organisations (referred to as Party). It focuses on management of the information related to the parties, the party roles and rights, and all related marketing, sales and billing activities.

The main SPA component that belongs to the Party management functional block is the Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Its implementation is done using the SuiteCRM free, open-source version, where the native API of SuiteCRM is wrapped with the Customer Management API, defined by TMForum. The CRM stores all information about all related parties, including end-users, organisations and roles. Based on the user role, the complete or limited set of functionalities is provided to the user in the SSP. For example, users with the admin role can perform all available actions including ordering new services and terminating active services, while users with the view role can only obtain information about the status of current and past services.