Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) (Photo by Christopher Burns on Unsplash)

WP6 Task 1 is currently reviewing network support requirements for the quantum key distribution/exchange (QKD/QKE) technology in order to consider its applicability as a service for use by the GÉANT community. This page provides regular updates about this work and lists information about upcoming events.


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GÉANT Infoshare   March 17, 2021

Quantum Key Distribution - Practical Implementations, Challenges, R&E Use Cases and Standardisation Outlook.

This second Infoshare will focus on the first use case of quantum communication: Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Key Distribution. In this first use case, the NREN community can play an important role by demonstrating how Quantum Key Distribution can be implemented in a production network context and a wide range of use cases. Our users (universities, science laboratories, ...) are already investigating these topics and there is an excellent opportunity for the NRENs to provide their support for these activities. Read more...

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GÉANT Infoshare January 20, 2021

Quantum Technologies - Principles, Challenges and Applications.

The “first quantum revolution” focused more on understanding and predicting physical processes at nano scale. By the end of the 20th century, it had already led to tangible applications (Laser, light-emitting diode [LED], hard disk, atomic clock, …). Now during the 21st century, the 2nd quantum revolution aims to engineer quantum systems. The work is organized mainly around four fundamental scientific pillars: communication, computing, simulation, sensing & metrology (see European Strategic Research Agenda). Read more...

Logo for QKD Whitepaper (Photo by Andrej Lišakov on Unsplash)

Quantum Technologies Status Overview, January 19, 2021

GÉANT Whitepaper January 19, 2021

This document presents an overview and principles of current quantum technologies: services, use cases (including Quantum Key Distribution), projects, initiatives and challenges. It also covers technology testing opportunities, initiativesand strategies for the GÉANT and NREN communities. (pdf)

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EuroQCI Initiative

The EuroQCI initiative was started in June 2019 with the objective to work together to link critical public communication assets all over the EU, in order to be able to transmit and store sensitive information securely, protect critical information infrastructure and boost Europe's strategic autonomy in this area. Read more...