Name | Organisation | Infrastructure / Project / Community Represented | Member Status | Here |
Christos Kanellopoulos | GEANT | GEANT, AARC, EOSC EU Node | Chair | Y |
Rudolf Dimper | EOSC-A | EOSC-A | Member | Y |
Wolfgang Pempe | DFN | DFN-AAI, NFDI | Member | Y |
Lukas Vojacek | IT4I | HPC, EOSC - ENTRUST | Member | Y |
Jonas Söderberg | Uppsala University | SciLifeLab NBIS | Member | Y |
David Groep | Nikhef & Maastricht University | AARC | Member |
Peter Balcirak | CESNET | AARC, LSAAI, e-INFRA CZ | Member |
Marina Adomeit | SUNET | SUNET, AARC, GEANT, PUHURI | Member |
Tomasz Kuczyński | PSNC | PIONIER.Id, GEANT | Member | Y |
Berk Balci | CERN | WLCG | Member | Y |
Francesco Giacomini | INFN | AARC-TREE, WLCG | Member |
Marcus Hardt | KIT | AARC / HIFIS / NFDI | Member |
Logan Ayliffe | SURF | SURF Research Access Management | Member | Y |
Jean-François Perrin | ESRF | ESRF, PaN Community | Member |
Ivan Kanakarakis | SUNET |
| Member | Y |
Eisaku Sakane | NII | HPCI / GakuNin | Observer |
Tom Dack | STFC | SKA, IRIS | Member |
Davide Vaghetti | GARR | GARR, GEANT (eduGAIN) | Member | Y |
János Mohácsi | KIFÜ | KIFÜ, AARC TREE, GÉANT | Member | Y |
Nicolas Liampotis | GRNET | AARC | Member | Y |
Klaas Wierenga | GEANT | GEANT | Member | Y |
Licia Florio | NORDUnet | NORDUnet, EOSC, AARC TREE | Member | Y |
Mischa Sallé | Nikhef | AARC | Member | Y |
Hussein Sherief | AASCTC | AAScTCloud on work (observer) | Observer |
Laurence Desnos | EOSC-A |
| Observer | Y |
Michal Stava | GEANT | GEANT | Member | Y |
Valeria Ardizzone | EGI | EGI | Member | Y |
Johannes Reetz | MPCDF | MPG | Observer | Y |
Francesco Giacomini | INFN | AARC TREE, WLCG | Member | Y |
Tibor Kalman | GWDG | AARC TREE, DARIAH | Observer | Y |
Agenda Overview
- The agenda was presented, including reviewing actions from the previous meeting, a report from the EOSC symposium, discussion on AAI implementation in EOSC, and approval of previous meeting minutes.
Approval of minutes from the previous WG meeting
- The minutes from the previous meeting were approved without objections.
- It was noted that the approved minutes would be published on the wiki, making them available to everyone.
- Marina and Janos to share the list of stakeholders they are interviewing with the working group via the mailing list before the next meeting.
- Marina and Janos to present the status of the stakeholders interviews at the next meeting.
- Christos to close access to the Google document for meeting minutes and agenda.
- Rudolf to share the updated terms of reference document once approved by the board in the next few days.
- All members to familiarise themselves with the following material:
- Marina and Janos shared the list of stakeholders they are interviewing in AARC-TREE for the landscaping analysis.
- Attendees were asked to review the list and suggest any missing stakeholders.
- A suggestion was made to include LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) and/or IGWN (International Gravitational Wave Network) on the stakeholder list.
- The presentation of stakeholder interview status by Marina and Janos was postponed to a future meeting.
- Rudolf shared the updated terms of reference, which were approved and published.
- All attendees were reminded to familiarise themselves with prior work, including the EOSC architecture version 2022, AR group architecture, and works of the architecture and POS working groups.
Updated Terms of Reference
Report from the EOSC Symposium
- Several attendees provided insights from the recent EOSC symposium.
- The launch of the EOSC EU node launch was a central focus, along with discussions on the EOSC Federation.
- There was a sense of urgency to get the EOSC Federation operational with tangible results, particularly in view of the next funding round and changing European Commission.
- The symposium demonstrated strong engagement from the scientific community.
- The EOSC EU Node was received very positively.
- Concerns were raised about the lack of transparency of the selection process.
Initial discussion on the EOSC EU Node AAI
- Christos presented information about the EOSC EU Node AAI implementation.
- The Node uses MyAccessID and with a policy to accept logins from: eduGAIN (national federations), EU Login, and eIDAS (national IDs).
- Authorisation is based on user affiliation, granting different levels of access and virtual credits.
- Integration with MyAccessID provides a unified experience across the EOSC EU Node, EuroHPC and Research Infrastructures.
- Project types include personal projects (automatically assigned) and group projects (for collaboration).
- Services offered include Tier 1 (native) services like OpenStack, OKD, FTS, OwnCloud, Jupyter notebook, and File Sender.
- Cross-service integration allows Jupyter notebooks to store outputs directly on OwnCloud.
- The need for assurance standards and identity vetting capabilities was mentioned, and the plans for implementing these features on MyAccessID in the near future was discussed.
- The scalability of infrastructure connections to MyAccessID was addressed, with plans for national-level infrastructures to connect via National Research and Education Networks (NRENs).
- Christos proposed allocating time in future meetings to discuss technical aspects of the EOSC EU node, as well as broader topics such as group management and representation within the EOSC context.