Name | Organisation | Infrastructure / Project / Community Represented | Member Status | Here |
Christos Kanellopoulos | GEANT | GEANT, AARC, EOSC EU Node | Chair | Y |
Rudolf Dimper | EOSC-A | EOSC-A | Member | Y |
Wolfgang Pempe | DFN | DFN-AAI, NFDI | Member | Y |
Lukas Vojacek | IT4I | HPC, EOSC - ENTRUST | Member | Y |
Jonas Söderberg | Uppsala University | SciLifeLab NBIS | Member | Sick |
David Groep | Nikhef & Maastricht University | AARC | Member | Y |
Peter Balcirak | CESNET | AARC, LSAAI, e-INFRA CZ | Member | |
Marina Adomeit | SUNET | SUNET, AARC, GEANT, PUHURI | Member | |
Tomasz Kuczyński | PSNC | PSNC, PIONIER.Id, GEANT | Member | Y |
Berk Balci | CERN | WLCG | Member | |
Francesco Giacomini | INFN | AARC-TREE, WLCG | Member | Y |
Marcus Hardt | KIT | AARC / HIFIS / NFDI | Member | |
Logan Ayliffe | SURF | SURF Research Access Management | Member | Y |
Jean-François Perrin | ESRF | ESRF, PaN Community | Member | |
Ivan Kanakarakis | SUNET | Member | Y | |
Eisaku Sakane | NII | HPCI / GakuNin | Observer | |
Tom Dack | STFC | SKA, IRIS | Member | |
Davide Vaghetti | GARR | GARR, GEANT (eduGAIN) | Member | Y |
János Mohácsi | KIFÜ | KIFÜ, AARC TREE, GÉANT | Member | N |
Nicolas Liampotis | GRNET | AARC | Member | Y |
Klaas Wierenga | GEANT | GEANT | Member | |
Licia Florio | NORDUnet | NORDUnet, EOSC, AARC TREE | Member | |
Mischa Sallé | Nikhef | AARC | Member | |
Hussein Sherief | AASCTC | AAScTCloud on work (observer) | Observer | |
Laurence Desnos | EOSC-A | Observer | ||
Michal Stava | GEANT | GEANT | Member | Y |
Valeria Ardizzone | EGI | EGI | Member | |
Johannes Reetz | MPCDF | MPG | Observer | Y |
Francesco Giacomini | INFN | AARC TREE, WLCG | Member | |
Maarten Kremers | SURF | AARC TREE, GEANT, SURF | Member | |
Ian Collier | UKRI-STFC | AARC-TREE, SKA, IRIS | Member | Y |
Tibor Kalman | GWDG | AARC TREE, DARIAH | Observer | Y |
Sander Apweiler | FZJ | AARC, HIFIS, NFDI, EUDAT | Member | Y |
Recording Notice
Notice: This video call will be recorded solely to assist in preparing notes. The recording will be used internally for this purpose only and will not be shared with anyone outside of this context.
Agenda Overview
Approval of minutes from the previous WG meeting
EOSC EU Node AAI Update III - Current status
Follow up from the previous meeting
Question from Logan:
By coupling the credit and accounting processes to the project abstraction and not the individual, does that mean that individuals do not have the ability to “bring credits with them” for a given research collaboration scenario? e.g.Research A (staff) has 100 credits in their personal project. Researcher B (faculty) has 500 credits in their personal project. Researcher B — who has more credits available to them in the individual project — wants to share some subset of their personal project credits with Researcher A. They form a group project together. Can either Researcher A or Researcher B share their individual project credits for use by the group project?
Christos explained that currently, credits are allocated to projects, not individuals. If more credits are needed, a request can be made through a manual process. Christos clarified that credit allocation is managed by the European Commission and the ATHENA RC, not by the GEANT team.
Logan proposed an automated way for researchers to transfer credits. Christos clarified that this is out of scope for the time being. Klaas clarified that credits are assigned to projects, and users gain credits through their project memberships.
EOSC Node and Service Integration:
Christos outlined three categories for integrating services into the EOSC EUI node:
- European Commission-owned services: Closely integrated with the EOSC node.
- Third-party services: Accessible through the EOSC node but not fully integrated.
- External services: Listed in the EOSC node catalog, but users need to access them elsewhere.
Christos discussed the ongoing work to integrate other nodes into the EOSC node. The integration process involves registering and enrolling nodes in the EOSC Access Federation. It was acknowledged that candidate nodes will have varying technical capabilities. Christos proposed starting with a simple, static trust mechanism for node integration and iterating as the system matures.
Licia expressed concern about the parallel discussions happening on the EOSC Federation, particularly regarding the involvement of people not directly working on the EOSC node. She emphasized the importance of having a clear, minimal baseline for node integration.
Christos agreed with Licia’s point and suggested that the focus should be on establishing clear requirements for integration in the short term.
The next meeting was scheduled for December 6, 2025, with Nicholas planning to share relevant documents in advance. If Nicholas is unavailable, Christos offered to present on the progress and current state of affairs.
Rudolf provided an update on the EOSC Winter School scheduled for January in Seville, Spain. Registration will open soon, with spots allocated for project members and task force participants. The focus will be on discussions to help unify activities towards building the EOSC federation.
Action Item
- Review and approve the minutes by the end of business on Monday.
- Continue monitoring the EOSC credit allocation process.
- Prepare for the next meeting by reviewing documents related to cross-infrastructure access and the EOSC Access Federation.
EOSC Winter school will be happening in Seville at 20-23. January 2025. Registration will come next week. It will be first come first served. Bring together the Opportunity Areas to come together and discuss how to go towards the EOSC Federation. 4 Task Forces and 7 Opportunity Areas. Not 1-1 match for the Task Forces.
The presentations given during the EOSC Symposium are now online here: