Meeting Minutes ============= Attendance: Stefan Winter (RESTENA) Brook Schofield (GÉANT) Paul Dekkers (SURFnet) Tomasz W. Žilvinas Vaira (LITNET) Marko (AMRES) Maja G-W Louis & Janusz (HEAnet) Zenon Mousmoulas (GRNET) Jorn (UNINETT) Arthur Petrosyan (ASNET-AM, Armenia) Juha (Funet) Miroslav Milinovic (SRCE) Apologies: Dubravko Penezic (SRCE) 1. Welcome 1.1 Agenda bashing 1.2 Minute Taker (incl. attendance record) 1.3 Work Organisation: open mailing list, open VC, open minutes 2. Round-table introduction please state name, affiliation, your eduroam background, and areas of interest in this task 3. Initial discussion about the sub-tasks 3.1 "eduroam-as-a-service" IdP/SP 3.1.1 IdP - Use the existing GÉANT identity service? ... but that doesn't give us an installable profile, right (.mobileconfig or .exe) Correct, but it does give us an certificate, which makes our work easier nevertheless. A certificate must be embedded in an installer anyway So creating one (or self-signing) is easier I guess. (I did the CA part of letsradsec, that's really trivial - and in the IdP case we don't need to use an existing CA for anything - though it's almost easier to use eduPKI's API or something - existing CAs have rules to play with) Development isn't the problem, but if we're not a CA ourselves we have less keys to keep secret. Rules the CA has are something to consider. We can run this in an HSM There are institutions without SAML-endpoint, which is required for TCS. TCS may be too much for such cases, prompting the need for a local CA anyway. Looking sideways: is there a SAML-as-a-service? In the Netherlands, SurfConext had a guest service, but it's not needed anymore (actually replaced by onegini and social accounts, but enriched with attributes if need be). Microsoft offers SAML in ADFS (also hosted in their Office365). In Norway we have Feide Hotel and Dataporten as solutions for institutions without their own IdP (the latter is OAuth2, not SAML) TCS has a global (well-known) root CA, this makes it complex to only trust the correct certificates. Dedicated CA FTW! :+1: ACT: jornane: write something about pro's/cons. Tomasz suggests to look into eaplab (that provisions client-certificates as well) - Zenon suggested that GRNET would be able to work with HARICA (Hellenic Academic Research Institutions CA), a well established CA accepted by Mozilla and most browsers, OS vendors etc, in order to create and run a dedicated EAP-TLS sub-CA that would integrate specifically with this service. This could work at low cost and could be a viable alternative to TCS and a self-run CA. - What about the Japanese Online Sign up System and a Client Certificate Issuing System? Can it be used for our project? The Japanese have 2 systems - run by different groups. - Some of our larger institutions seem interested in a similar service. Keep possibility open to run Silver Bullet IdP solution at NRO- or institution-level for the larger customers? 3.1.2 SP - Local Docker machine? (mail Stefan) - Should we also have chef, puppet, salt, ansible scripts for the deployment of FreeRADIUS, RADSecProxy or other tools to make sure people get it right? - The more we make, the more we have to support. On the other hand, I think it's bad to only support one option. - Update policy (responsibilities, education) Why not run one big RADIUS at the NREN? (OR prepare an image in Azure or AWS or something) Apparently this is the kind of institution that doesn't want to run stuff on their campus. (If they don't know FreeRADIUS or radsecproxy or letsradsec, they don't know docker. Maybe they know how to deploy an OVF.) If they want to run our Docker/Puppet/… anyway, they're going to ask a lot of questions about it. One big RADIUS for those that can't run it themselves sounds good. There are subtle issues to consider regarding operation and maintenace of such a system (sysadmin tasks). Puppet etc. are typically tightly integrated with particular infrastructures; such a module would reallistically be quite generic, so it would be more likely to provide building blocks rather than a plug-and-play solution. Ansible might be a bit more flexible in this respect, in the sense that it could run "standalone". Docker might be more plug-and-play but it is not clear how maintaining a particular instance would work out (updates vs. starting fresh). 3.2 user self-support enhancements 3.2.1 for admins 3.2.2 for end users 3.2.3 RIPE Atlas API for WLAN measurements RIPE Atlas have development, test and production infrastructure. Dev infrastructure is not public. Test infrastructure is at (it uses a private cert - sorry about that) We have 4 test WLAN enabled probes at: (has wifi firmware) Production infrastrucutre is at 3.3 CAT improvements 3.4 letsRadsec there is a PoC running that everybody is invited to try, instructions via it's very usable for IdP's, proxy servers need to get an EAP certificate to issue one, alternatives are being considered (and listed in the FAQ) Paul sent around a questionnaire on (lets)RadSec recently, results will be presented at TNC - everybody (that knows about RadSec) is invited to enter the questionnaire goal is to be RFC compliant and more secure with our dedicated CA 3.5 Current Development Efforts and locations * eduroam CAT - SVN - ... * eduroam-configurator (CAT UI) * radsecproxy - SVN/Git - something hosted by UNINETT/NORDUnet * DJNRO - * LetsRADSEC - ? * EAPLab / SENSE - 3.6 Development Wishlist * mainline support for eapol_test flag -O to be available in wpa_supplicant to allow the export of a certificate during authentication (for on-disk comparison or use in reporting within RIPE Atlas) * eVA open including the automated bundling of certificates for per device accounts 4. Change of mailing list address please subscribe to "This list is for discussion of development of new technical features in eduroam on a global level; everybody world-wide who wants to advance eduroam technology to new heights is welcome to subscribe and discuss. This mailing list is moderated in the sense that off-topic posts are not tolerated; in particular simple technical questions on an operational level do not have a space here." From my international announcement: In the next few weeks, I will move all GEANT GN4-2 JRA3-T4 discussions to that list so that everything is happening in the open. The traffic so far on our closed ML which I installed in the interim (01 May to today) is very light yet anyway; I'll replay the messages to the new list once there's a significant subscriber base. 5. AOB / Next VC Many subscribers from the US have already joined development@; less so from Asia -> meeting in European afternoons would accomodate most current subscribers. Frequency is in the beginning every 2 weeks, Stefan will send out a Foodl soon.