Openstack API clients commonly use a set of environment variables such as OS_AUTH_TYPE
, etc.
The set of needed variables can be downloaded from the dashboard as an Openstack RC File (v2.0 or v3). This is basically a shell script that you need to source in the current session:
#!/usr/bin/env bash export OS_AUTH_TYPE=v3applicationcredential export OS_AUTH_URL= export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3 export OS_REGION_NAME="garr-ct1" export OS_INTERFACE=public export OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_ID=33ff72a9162341dbb81fd480ddcc23d7 export OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_SECRET=HACKME
With the environment vars available, tools like OpenStackClient work, or the Openstack Ansible modules.
The problem is how to store these sensitive credentials.
Ansible provides ansible-vault to encrypt information - an example Ansible playbook might look like this:
--- - hosts: localhost vars_files: vault.yml environment: "{{ openrc_vars }}" tasks: - os_keypair: state: present name: my_key public_key_file: .ssh/
with the encrypted vault.yml file containing:
--- openrc_vars: OS_AUTH_TYPE: v3applicationcredential OS_AUTH_URL: OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION: 3 OS_REGION_NAME: garr-pa1 OS_INTERFACE: public OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_ID: 33ff72a9162341dbb81fd480ddcc23d7 OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_SECRET: HACKME
These encrypted variables can conveniently be reused for command line usage, by defining an alias in your BASH configuration file (.bashrc or .bash_profile). It requires the jq binary:
# Alias to populate Openstack environment variables from ansible vault encrypted file alias openstack-auth='$(ANSIBLE_LOAD_CALLBACK_PLUGINS=TRUE ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=json ansible all -m debug -i localhost, --extra-vars "@vault.yml" -a "msg=\"{% for k,v in openrc_vars.items() %}export {{ k }}={{ v }}\n{% endfor %}\"" | jq -r '\''.["plays"][0]["tasks"][0]["hosts"]["localhost"]["msg"]'\'')'