Chris Atherton - Moderator and Presenter (GÉANT)
Mario Reale (GÉANT)
Guido Aben (AARNET) - Online
Enzo Capone (GÉANT)
Ieva Muraškiene (LitNet)
Roberto Sabatino (HEAnet) - Online Presenter
Eli Dart (ESnet)
Slyvia Kuijpers (Surf)
Tania Altmirano (RedCLARA)
Mark Urban (RedCLARA)
Olga Popcova (RENAM)
Luis Eliecer Cadenas (RedClara)
Leandro Ciuffe (RNP) - Online
Débora Costa Soares dos Reis (RNP) - Online
Robinson Zapata - SENACYT
Fulvio Galeazzi - GARR
Cecilia Ortiz - RedCLARA
Rafael Rodríguez Maldonado - RENATA
Alberto Colla - GARR
+ 4 3 guests who Chris didn't write the names down.