Attendees (18 in person 4 online) - more but still need to add
Chris Atherton - Moderator and Presenter (GÉANT)
Mario Reale (GÉANT)
Guido Aben (AARNET) - Online
Enzo Capone (GÉANT)
Ieva Muraškiene (LitNet)
Roberto Sabatino (HEAnet) - Online Presenter
Eli Dart (ESnet)
Slyvia Kuijpers (Surf)
Tania Altmirano (RedCLARA)
Mark Urban (RedCLARA)
Olga Popcova (RENAM)
Luis Eliecer Cadenas (RedClara)
Leandro Ciuffe (RNP) - Online
Débora Costa Soares dos Reis (RNP) - Online
Robinson Zapata - SENACYT
Fulvio Galeazzi - GARR
Cecilia Ortiz - RedCLARA
Rafael Rodríguez Maldonado - RENATA
+ 4 guests who Chris didn't write the names down.
Introductions and house keeping
Presentation + Q&A: HEAnet and RESIN - Roberto Sabatino (HEANet)
Presentation + Q&A: Blueprint Document - Chris Atherton (GÉANT)
Discussion on future of TF-RED
Any Other Business
After 3 years since the last in person meeting for TF-RED, this years TNC22 really was a special occasion. It was heartwarming to see more people attend than then last online meeting and not only that, but a large number of new people joined the session for the very first time. We are in a unique position within the community, as research engagement is one of the relatively new job roles that has come into existence. As such, we have many challenges to face to grow the knowledge sharing across the community while still providing interest and developments to those more well established organisations and members that have been doing this job for a number of years.
Meeting was opened by Chris Atherton and a round of introductions before Roberto Sabatino (HEAnet) presented on the research engagement activties happening within Ireland. This then sparked an open discussion about how some of the activities in Ireland could translate to other regions around the world. Chris then presented on the research engagement blueprint, which draw a lot of interaction from the group. Generally it was considered that there were a few tweeks to be made to the document but in general everyone accepted the blueprint and the idea of having a living document. The details from Roberto's presentation will be added as an appraoch to take for establishing a forum in a country. Chris will also supply a copy of a template spreadsheet for tracking leads in place of people who don't have a CRM
For the future activities there was a good discussion about a community desire to learn more about specific thematic research areas and also the ESFRI projects. Using a CRM was also a topic which was identified as a requirement for the group, as well as a decision tree for being able to respond to end user organisation requirements. However, there was a strong push to try and establish a training course for research engagement. It was widely agreed that commercial training courses don't meet the requirement that we have as a community, so it was decided to try and find someone who could help us build a training course and for this to be delievered by the community. There will be a seperate meeting about the training.
1. Presentation on Earth observation knowledge learnt - Chris
2. Organise Information sharing on ESFRI projects (what NRENs are doing to support ESFRI projects and where are the gaps) - Need a volunteer
3. Put together a meeting to discuss how to develop a training course. - Chris
4. Chris to provide a copy of a tracking/CRM spreadsheet - Chris
5. Organise a meeting to discuss a CRM - Ieva and Chris
6. Decision tree for making decisions on how to support user enquiries - Roberto and Sylvia
HEAnet and RESIN presentation:
All hands slides and Blueprint Architecture presentation: -