eduGAIN Steering Group Meeting
Xxxxx xxst January 2017, xx:00 - xx:00 CEST (in your timezone)
Please Note that the above time is TO BE CONFIRMED.
15:45 CEST | Arrival & "Can you hear me now?" (we won't be using Adobe Connect) |
16:00 CEST | Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement
16:15 CEST | Revision of the eduGAIN Policy Framework
Hanging Issues for Members and Participants
Candidate Issues
| |
16:40 CEST | Requirements gathering for GN4-3 - Ann Harding |
16:50 CEST | Any other Business |
Future SG Meetings
| |
16:55 CEST | Summary, Actions and Close (or we're running over time). |
17:00 CEST | Meeting Close |
Federations in Attendance
... Attendees (xx):
...Apologies (nn):
Current status - New members and candidates: See and work on progressing new members is underway.
Future meetings:
- DI4R, Belgium - 30 Nov & 1st December 2017
- Virtual Meeting in December 2017
- eduGAIN Town Hall - end 2017/early 2018