AARNET, Australia
- Hindrik Buining, David Jericho, Orchestration, Automation and Virtualisation, BOF, TNC19, Tallinn, Estonia, June 20, 2019 (pdf)
- ARNES is working on the project WLAN-2020 to offer wireless connection within the schools in the country, hiring consultants during the deployment phase. They are using Automator as the middleware and doing ZTP (Zero Touch Provisioning)
- https://geant.app.box.com/s/68pzsqbkbcx9683j8qybgoi5zlu7jhtz
Damir Regvart, Lidija Jakovčić, Silvije Milišić, CARNET OAV, BOF, TNC19, Tallinn, Estonia, June 20, 2019 (pdf)
- CARNET is also working on a national project to offer wireless connection within the schools in the country (https://www.e-skole.hr/en/results/adequate-ict-infrastructure-in-pilot-schools/), with a network management system built by them (Management system for the educational system). CARNET does the network provisioning and monitoring through an API: https://geant.app.box.com/s/fji5tdbv2dhxlfed137kl7mj806mmi16
- Iacovos Ioannou. Active member of OAV working group of WP6-T2.
ESnet, USA
- John MacAuley, Service orchestration in ESnet6, BOF, TNC19, Tallinn, Estonia, June 20, 2019 (pdf)
- Kampus Service Project
- Bram Peeters, Orchestration, Automation and Virtualisation (OAV) in GÉANT, GN4-3 Future Service Strategy Workshop, Amsterdam, May 9, 2019 (pdf)
- Mian Usman, Orchestration and Automation, BOF, TNC19, Tallinn, Estonia, June 20, 2019 (pdf)
- Afrodite Sevasti, Orchestrating service delivery @GRNET, BOF, TNC19, Tallinn, Estonia, June 20, 2019 (pdf)
- Eoin Kenny, Orchestration, Automation & Virtualisation BoF, BOF, TNC19, Tallinn, Estonia, June 20, 2019 (pdf)
Internet2, USA
- Rob Vietzke, Automation, Orchestration & Virtualization Bo, BOF, TNC19, Tallinn, Estonia, June 20, 2019 (pdf)
- CNaaS pilot (Campus Network Automation Software) with one of the Universities in Sweden (https://wiki.sunet.se/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=30441624).
- https://github.com/SUNET/cnaas-nms
- Migiel de Vos, Automation & Orchestration and Virtualisation at SURF, BOF, TNC19, Tallinn, Estonia, June 20, 2019 (pdf)
- SURFnet has a service to deliver wifi connection to their connected institutions (Surfwireless as a Service, non-technical information in https://www.surf.nl/en/surfwireless-wifi-as-a-service)).
- Uninett is running a project to define and establish CNaaS (Campus Network Automation Software) from 2020. The service is already operational for a smaller pilot customer.
- UNINETT also developed NAV, which is software for automatic configuration of devices.
- NAV: https://nav.uninett.no/#download
- https://github.com/Uninett/nav