eduGAIN Steering Group Meeting
23rd March 2021 12:00 UTC / 13:00 Amsterdam: In your time zone
11:45 UTC | Arrival & "Can you hear me now?" (see Connection Details)
| |
12:00 UTC | Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement | Terry Smith, AAF, Chair |
12:10 UTC | Membership Updates and Joining
| Casper Dreef, Secretariat |
12:15 UTC | Team Updates
| Davide Vaghetti, IDEM, Service owner |
12:30 UTC | Team updates: Security team
| Security Team |
13:00 UTC | Re-imaging eduGAIN | Nicole Harris, GÉANT |
13:25 UTC | Future SG meetings, Any other business, Summary and Actions | |
13:30 UTC | Meeting Close |
Connection Details
Meeting ID: 659 3425 9919
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Federations in Attendance (24)
- Australian Access Federation (AAF) - Australia
- SWAMID - Sweden
- UK federation - United Kingdom
- LEAF - Moldova
- - Poland
- RiçercaNET Identity Federation - Malta
- RCTSaai - Portugal
- GRNET - Greece
- WAYF - Denmark & Iceland
- IDEM - Italy
- SWITCHaai - Switzerland
- - Hungary
- - Czech Republic
- HAKA - Finland
- AAI@EduHR - Croatia
- Sifulan - Malaysia
- Fédération Éducation-Recherche (FER) - France
- RIF - Uganda
- Canadian Access Federation (CAF) - Canada
- SIR - Spain
- CAFe - Brazil
- InCommon - United States
- TAAT - Estonia
- safeID - Slovakia
Attendees (35)
- Terry Smith (AAF)
- Pål Axelsson (SWAMID)
- Alex Stuart (UK federation)
- Valentin Pocotilenco (LEAF)
- Casper Dreef (GÉANT)
- Tomasz Wolniewicz (
- Daniel Muscat (RiçerkaNET Identity Federation)
- Esmeralda Pires (RCTSaai)
- Zenon Moumoulas (GRNET)
- Mads Freek Petersen (WAYF)
- Davide Vaghetti (IDEM)
- Thomas Bärecke (SWITCHaai)
- Attila Laszlo (
- Jiri Borik (
- Lukas Hämmerle (SWITCHaai)
- Maja Gorecka-Wolniewicz (
- Jani Heikkinen (HAKA)
- Mirolav Milinovic (AAI@EduHR)
- Nicole Harris (GÉANT)
- Irfan
- Anass Chabli (Fédération Éducation-Recherche)
- Derrick Ssemanda (RIF)
- Chris Pillips (Canadian Access Federation)
- Aristos Anastasiou (CyNet Identity Federation)
- José Manuel Macías (SIR)
- Jean Carlo Faustino (CAFe)
- Ann West (InCommon)
- Licia Florio (GÉANT)
- Halil Adem (GRNET)
- Sten Aus (TAAT)
- Hellen Nakawungu (RIF)
- Mario Reale (GÉANT)
- Martin Stanislav (safeID)
- Nicole Roy (InCommon)
- Marina Adomeit
Apologies (xx)
- Wolfgang Pempe (DFN-AAI)
Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement
The eduGAIN Secretariat has created a proposal that will be made available for consultation. Casper will share this with the eduGAIN SG mailing list and seek further information and consultation on the proposal. Action remains open.
eduGAIN Secretariat to write a proposal for a yearly audit process for eduGAIN federation details:
Membership Updates and Joining
KRENA/Kyrgystan update:
The issues with the KRENA federation were resolved with help from the GÉANT Partner Relations team. This shows the suspension process is working as intended.
Bangladesh/TIGERfed update:
We’ve had very little feedback from the community so do not feel that it is possible to move forward with voting at this stage. All eduGAIN SG members are encouraged to review the documentation. We’d appreciate feedback even if this is just a quick “documentation all looks good”.
We are expecting new applications from the following federations over the next few months:
- Indonesia
- Thailand
- Nepal
- Taiwan
Team Updates
Operation team:
The certificate for the production metadata feed for eduGAIN will need updating. A recommendation has been received from the community not to change the url based on this change. The OT is happy to accept this proposal.
A key signing ceremony including pushing private key information to an HSM will be undertaken by the OT. There is no perceived threat to service delivery as the process has been fully tested previously and the process / technology works as the spec intends.
Question: will the fingerprint change? Yes, the fingerprint of the certificate will be different. The signature on the metadata will remain the same.
Question: why is the OT using short-lived validation period for the certificate?
Newly signed metadata will be made available on 29th March 2021 - we need to make sure the time this work is done is respectful of timezones. We also need to make sure that new federations are fully aware of the process.
Chris Phillips suggested also sending the information to the security contacts list. Tomasz W does not think there are any specific security implications for this process, however Chris felt this was still an operational change that might be valid for the security contacts to know.
- OT to send an information email to the security contacts
- Secretariat to create a mailing list from the eduGAIN security contacts
Support team:
No notable updates - support tickets are very low.
7 federations are now providing data for the f-ticks pilot and all is working as expected. Turkey was the most recent to join. More federations participating would be very appreciated.
The team talked to the GÉANT GDPR officer on advice around the use of this data and good reasons as to why this can / should be shared.
AAF looking at a project to collect f-ticks within AAF.
Team updates Security team: The eduGAIN Security Working Group has had several planning meetings and the information is available on the wiki. One of the priorities at the moment is defining a base mandate for the team - which is standard practice for incident response teams (RFC2350).
The eduGAIN Security Incident Response Handbook has been shared with the SG for comment but not feedback has been received. Comments are welcomed at: Security Incident Response Handbook Feedback.
Re-imaging eduGAIN
Future SG Meetings, Any other business, Summary and Actions
Any Other Business:
Future SG meetings 2021:
23 March 12:00 UTC
15 June 07:00 UTC
14 September 16:30 UTC
14 December 12:00 UTC