eduGAIN Steering Group Meeting
14th September 2021 16:30 UTC / 18:30 Amsterdam: In your time zone
16:15 UTC | Arrival & "Can you hear me now?" (see eduGAIN SG - 2021 September#Connection Details)
| |
16:30 UTC | Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement | Terry Smith, AAF, Chair |
16:40 UTC | Membership Updates and Joining In the pipeline:
Suspended Members:
| Casper Dreef, Secretariat |
16:50 UTC | Team Updates
| Davide Vaghetti, IDEM, Service owner |
17:10 UTC | Team updates: Security team
| Security Team |
17:15 UTC | Working Groups update | Secretariat |
17:20 UTC | Any other business | |
17:40 UTC | Future SG meetings, Summary and Actions | |
17:45 UTC | Meeting Close |
Connection Details
Meeting ID: 659 3425 9919
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Federations in Attendance (xx)
- DFN-AAI (Germany)
- (Czech Republic)
- COFRe (Chile)
- GakuNin (Japan)
- GRNET (Greece)
- UKfederation (UK)
- InCommon (USA)
- SAFIRE (South-Africa)
- CAF (Canada)
- SWAMID (Sweden)
- CAFe (Brazil)
- MINGA (Ecuador)
- PIONEER.Id (Poland)
- SWITCHaai (Switzerland)
Attendees (xx)
- Wolfgang Pempe, DFN-AAI
- Jan Oppolzer,
- Alejandro Lara, COFRe
- Eisaku Sakane, GakuNin
- Halil Adem, GRNET
- Alex Stuart, UK federation
- Albert Wu, InCommon
- Guy Halse, SAFIRE
- Chris Phillips, CAF
- Pål Axelsson, SWAMID
- Casper Dreef, GÉANT
- Nicole Harris, GÉANT
- Jean Carlo Faustino, CAFe
- Donald Coetzee, SAFIRE
- Claudio Chacon, MINGA
- Tomasz Wolniewicz, PIONEER.Id
- Thomas Baerecke, SWITCHaai
Apologies (xx)
- Terry Smith, AAF
Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement
Terry sent his appologies. Casper opened the meeting. The minutes of the June meeting were approved.
Open actions - All actions remain open.
No AOB was raised.
Membership Updates and Joining
At the moment there are 4 candidates. Over the summer the Secretariat worked with the RedCLARA federation FIEL on their policies and documents. They are currently processing the feedback received. RedCLARA is helping to set up and support several federations in the region. The FIEL federation will act as a federation for territiories without an NREN.
Also Nigeria /, Thailand /ThaiREN IF and Costa Rica / RedConare applied for candidacy.
Argentina / MATE is still suspended.
Mozambique / CAFmoz has been working with Terry on fixing the problems.
Team Updates
Operation team:
The main switch of the network caused a 90 minutes outage at PSNC. It is not supposed to be a SPOF, though it failed anyway. PSNC is designing a replication process for MDS. The Operations team will inform the SG on how to implement a distributed service for MDS.
Also the OT has been experimenting with the HSM signing of the eduGAIN feed. The HSM is provided by SUNET.
Finally, the attribute release services will be updated soon. More concrete information will be provided in the next eSG meeting.
Support team:
Low ticket numbers over summer.
We see an increase of actual end users raising tickets. This might have something to do with the Erasmus+ project.
No updates from the F-ticks team.
Business development:
Business development was covered in the Secretariat update.
Team updates Security team:
Nicole provided an update. The has been working on a draft ToR for the eduGAIN CSIRT and a draft for the RFC-2350. This is a standard document which describes how the CSIRT will operate.
The are ready for evaluation on the wiki:
Paperwork: Draft TermsOfReference (TOR)
Paperwork - RFC-2350 Draft
eduGAIN Working Groups: Futures
A draft charter (eduGAIN Futures Working Group Charter) is now available. Meeting planning will start soon.
Any other business
Chris Phillips asked if someone could share pointers to REFEDS MFA for SimpleSAMLphp.
Future SG Meetings, Summary and Actions
Future SG meetings 2021:
23 March 12:00 UTC15 June 07:00 UTC14 September 16:30 UTC
14 December 12:00 UTC