Description for eduGAIN CSIRT
About this document
This is version 0.1, draft 2021/07/14
Distribution List for Notifications
Notifications of updates are submitted to the eduGAIN Steering Group mailing list The eduGAIN Steering Group mailing list is composed of all the delegates and deputies of the eduGAIN participants, the subscription is managed by the eduGAIN Service. The mailing list is not moderated.
Locations where this Document May Be Found
The current version of this CSIRT description document is available from the eduGAIN CSIRT website,
Please make sure you are using the latest version.
Authenticating this Document
This document has been signed with the eduGAIN CSIRTs PGP key. The signatures are also on our Web site, under:
Contact Information
Name of the Team
eduGAIN CSIRT: The eduGAIN Computer Security Incident Response Team.
Hoekenrode 3
6th floor
1102 BR Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Time Zone
Europe/Amsterdam (GMT+0100, and GMT+0200 from April to October)
Telephone Number
+44 1223 733033
Facsimile Number
Not available.
Other Telecommunication/Instant messaging
Not available.
Electronic Mail Address This address can be used to report all security incidents which relate to the eduGAIN participants. This is a mail alias that relays mail to the human(s) on duty for the eduGAIN CSIRT.
Public Keys and Other Encryption Information
The eduGAIN CSIRT has a PGP key, whose fingerprint is
0497 8576 D7A6 3151 5401 DB98 697A 900B 7C8E 095E
The key and its signatures can be found at the usual large public keyservers.
Team Members
The eduGAIN CSIRT team is coordinated by the eduGAIN CSIRT security officer and it is composed by security experts from the constituent participants and the Research and Education community. The current team composition is available on the eduGAIN wiki: <URL>
Other Information
General information about eduGAIN security is in
The eduGAIN CSIRTs hours of operation are Monday - Friday 09:00-17:00 (CET/CEST), except public holidays. Outside business hours, eduGAIN CSIRT provides support on a best effort basis.
Mission Statement
The eduGAIN CSIRT provides a central contact and support point for security incidents at the inter-federation level. It will work in close collaboration with Federation Security Contacts and Federation Operators to coordinate the investigation and resolution of suspected security incidents at the inter-federation level.
eduGAIN consists of Federations whose primarily goal is to provide authentication and authorisation services to the research and education community. The eduGAIN Service provides an infrastructure for establishing trusted communications between Entities, such as Identity and Service Providers, belonging to different Federations.
Please refer to the [eduGAIN Constitution] for further details.
For an up to date list of the current eduGAIN Participants you can refer to:
Sponsorship and/or Affiliation
eduGAIN CSIRT team members affiliated to a GEANT members will be funded by the GEANT project. Other members will be funded by their respective organisations.
eduGAIN CSIRT operates with authority delegated by the eduGAIN Steering Group to coordinate incident response at the inter-federation level and provide the services described in section 5 of this document.
The eduGAIN policy framework is available on the eduGAIN Technical site at the following URL:
Types of Incidents and Level of Support
All security incidents that may have an impact at the inter-federation level are managed by eduGAIN CSIRT.
eduGAIN CSIRT aims to respond to requests within 4 office hours.
Co-operation, Interaction and Disclosure of Information
The eduGAIN CSIRT closely collaborates with the Federation Security Contacts, Federation Operators, entities Security Contacts and the National Research and Education Network CSIRTs and CERTs to ensure that all the parties affected by a security incident at the inter-federation level are timely alerted and supported in the investigation, limitation and remediation process.
The roles and interactions of the different entities relevant to incident response within eduGAIN are described in the eduGAIN Security Incident Response Handbook [eduGAIN-SIRH]
eduGAIN CSIRT reports to the eduGAIN Steering Group (eSG).
Communication and Authentication
ALL incoming information is handled confidentially by eduGAIN CSIRT, regardless of its priority.
eduGAIN CSIRT supports the Traffic Light Protocol [FIRST TLP] - information that comes in with the tags WHITE, GREEN, AMBER or RED will be handled appropriately.
eduGAIN CSIRT will use the information you provide to help solve security incidents affecting eduGAIN. This means that by default the information will be distributed further to the appropriate parties – but only on a need-to-know base, and preferably anonymized.
Incident Response
eduGAIN CSIRTs major IT security incident management function is incident coordination across eduGAIN Federations.
Incident Triage
eduGAIN CSIRT will support the eduGAIN participants investigating whether indeed an incident occurred and in case, determining the extent of the incident. This ranges from a single entity registered in one or more federations, to multiple entities from different federations affected.
Incident Response Coordination
eduGAN-CSIRT will organize the security incident communications across affected participants and coordinate the response activities to allow for an efficient containment and subsequently resolution of security incidents.
Incident Resolution
The incident resolution is ultimately the task of the organizations responsible for the affected entities. If possible and on request, eduGAIN CSIRT will support the entities in coordination with the federations.
Proactive Activities
The eduGAIN CSIRT will maintain the security communication channels with all the eduGAIN participants. In order to do that, from time to time, the eduGAIN CSIRT will organize communication challenges to assess the reliability and responsiveness of the communication infrastructure.
The eduGAIN CSIRT will occasionally share information about prominent security threats and vulnerabilities that may affect the eduGAIN community .
Incident Reporting Forms
The following form will be used to notify a suspected or verified security incident to any affected party. All the incident reports will be signed by the eduGAIN CSIRT with its PGP key.
Subject: [TLP:COLOR] subject
Summary of the report.## INTRUSION TIMELINE ##
Where to report back about new findings on the incident.
The above form is based on the AARC Deliverable DNA3.2 - Security Incident Response Procedure [AARC-DNA3.2]
While every precaution will be taken in the preparation of information, notifications and alerts, eduGAIN CSIRT assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained within.
[eduGAIN Constitution]