Welcome to the wiki home for collaborative work between members of
TF-CPR (Task Force on Communications and Public Relations) and the Global PR Network.
Please note that this space is publically viewable, although only authorised groups can edit the pages, and some pages have their access restricted to only one or two groups.
This site is a work in prgress, so please bear with us!
If you have any questions or problems, please contact Laura Durnford.
Please feel free to click 'edit' and contribute your ideas and upload your materials and links.
28-30 October 2015 : TF-CPR (including GÉANT Project topics), Cambridge UK. Information and registration.
If you have any agenda topic ideas please contact durnford@terena.org or add them into the agenda suggestions page.
The preliminary agenda and presentation slides will be added to the TF-CPR meeting 28-30 October page.
All TF-CPR meeting notes, agendas and slides can currently still be found at http://www.terena.org/activities/tf-cpr/pastmeetings/.