Location: TNC2023, Tirana, Albania

Date and time: Monday, 5 June 2023, 09:00-12:30 CEST

09:00-09:05 ('5)Welcome

Licia Florio (NORDUnet)

Christos Kannelopoulos (GÉANT)

09:05-09:25 ('20)T&I building blocks and Core AAIChristos Kannelopoulos (GÉANT)
09:25-10:30 ('65)

Overview of the AAI deployments:

  • MyAcademicID ('10)

  • MyAccessID and Fenix ('20)

  • Puhuri AAI, Anders ('20)


Licia Florio (NORDUnet)

Christos Kannelopoulos (GÉANT)

Anders Sjöström (NeIC Puhuri)

10:30-11:00 ('30)Coffee break
11:00-11:15 ('15)Identity vettingLeif Johansson (SUNET)
11:15-11:30 ('15)The EUDI Wallet in a nutshellLluís Alfons Ariño Martín (CRV)
11:30-11:45 ('15)AARC evolutionDavid Groep (Nikhef)
11:45-12:30 ('45)Open discussion
