12 August 13:00UTC
time | topic | presenter |
Welcome, Introductions and Agenda Agreement | Pål | |
Service Team Overview | Davide | |
Terms of Reference and Work Plan | All | |
Membership applications | Casper | |
AOB | All | |
Future meetings, Summary and Actions | Pål | |
Meeting Close |
Welcome, Introductions and Agenda Agreement
Pål opened the meeting and welcomed the committee members.
Minutes of the previous meeting: eduGAIN Steering Committee May 2024
Action list:
- Rec 1.2 - Create document describing the the problem statement.
- Rec 3.2 - Davide and Casper to create an audit process and share with the Steering Committee.
- Casper to create eSG Slack group on eduGAIN Slack.
Service Team Overview
Terms of Reference and Work Plan
Futures WG white paper: 2022 eduGAIN Futures Working Group Report Consultation
Upgrading eduGAIN from v1 of several entity categories and specifications to v2 - email Thijs 12 July 2024.
Membership applications
Updated Register of Interest.
EFIS/Ethiopia: EFIS - EthERNet - eduGAIN Candidate Process
Resigning of Declaration: update.
eSG member terms.
Future meetings, Summary and Actions
Assembly meeting: October or hybrid meeting at TechEx (second week of December). Colocated with REFEDS.